Use r Ma nua l &
Bre a d Re cipe s
Bre a dma ke r
Chapter 1: Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 2: Let’s
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 3: Overview of %readmaker features . . . . .
Chapter 4:
2 3
3 0
In Under 1
. . . . . . . .
Chapter 5: Using the Delay Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tips and
Measurement Equivalency Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Taking Care of Your Machine. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 9
Recipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sweet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting (58 Minutes) . . . . . .
Setting (80 Minutes) . . . . . . 52
5 5
5 9
Whole Wheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Doug h/Pasta.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(Jams and Marmalades) . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 68
7 0
7 2
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Recipe Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ge tting Sta rte d
Pla ce the bre a dma ke r on a
counte r whe re the plug will
re a ch a n outle t. DO NOT ye t
plug the ma chine into the
wa ll outle t. You will be shown
la te r whe n to do this.
Ma ke sure you ca n ope n the
bre a dma ke r top without
hitting the top of kitche n
ca bine ts.
Ope n the lid a nd re move the
ba king pa n. To do this,
simply gra sp the ha ndle of
the pa n a nd pull stra ight up.
Use a ge ntle , non-a bra sive
soa p a nd wa sh, rinse , a nd
dry the pa n thoroughly.
Atta ch the kne a ding bla de to
the ba king pa n, a s shown.
You will find the kne a ding
bla de in a sma ll pla stic wra p
a tta che d to the powe r cord.
Se t the pa n a side . Do not ye t pla ce the pa n into the
bre a dma ke r.
You’re re a dy to sta rt!
Le t’s Ba ke Bre a d
The simplest wa y to lea rn how to ba ke brea d is to follow a ba sic
recipe. The following recipe is ea sy a nd the brea d is delicious.
Be fore you be gin
Ma ke sure you ha ve the following
me a suring e quipme nt:
— Liquid me a suring cup
— Dry me a suring cups
— Me a suring spoons
You will ne e d the following ingre die nts:
— Wa te r
— Butte r/Ma rga rine
— Sa lt
— Bre a d flour (be sure to buy
bre a d flour, pre fe ra bly for
bre a dma ke rs)
— Dry milk
— Suga r
— Active , fa st rising ye a st
Me a suring
THE most importa nt se cre t of ma king bre a d.
Exa ct me a sure me nts. Tha t’s the ke y to succe ssfully ba king
bre a d. Exa ct me a sure me nts.
With we t ingre die nts, use ONLY
me a suring cups with the cups/
ounce s ma rke d cle a rly on the side .
Afte r filling the me a suring cup,
pla ce it on a fla t surfa ce a nd vie w it
a t e ye le ve l to ma ke sure the
a mount of liquid is e xa ct. The n,
double che ck.
With dry ingre die nts, a lwa ys
“le ve l off” the me a sure me nt with the
ba ck of a knife or a spa tula to
ma ke sure the me a sure me nt is
e xa ct. Anothe r he lpful tip is to
ne ve r use the cup to scoop the
ingre die nts (for e xa mple , flour). By
scooping, you could a dd up to one
ta ble spoon of e xtra ingre die nts. Fill
the me a suring cup with a spoon
be fore le ve ling off.
The SECOND most importa nt secret of ma king brea d.
Put the ingre die nts into the bre a dma ke r in the EXACT orde r
give n in the re cipe . This me a ns:
—FIRST, liquid ingre die nts
—SECOND, dry ingre die nts
—LAST, ye a st
Also, ma ke sure ALL ingre die nts a re a t room te mpe ra ture ,
(be twe e n 77°–85° F) unle ss othe rwise note d in the re cipe .
Te mpe ra ture s too cool or too high ca n a ffe ct the wa y the
bre a d rise s a nd ba ke s.
La st, it’s a good ide a to sta rt with a ll ne w, fre sh ingre die nts
(e spe cia lly fre sh flour a nd ye a st).
Now, le t’s try a simple (but re a lly good) re cipe .
Tra ditiona l White Bre a d
2 lb. loa f
1 + 1/3 cups wa te r
2 te a spoons sa lt
4 te a spoons softe ne d
butte r or ma rga rine
2 te a spoons a ctive dry
ye a st
4 cups bre a d flour
2 ta ble spoons suga r
4 te a spoons dry milk
Ca re fully me a sure 1 a nd 1/3
cups wa te r. Re me mbe r, use
wa te r tha t is room
te mpe ra ture . DO NOT use
ve ry hot or ve ry cold wa te r.
It’s a good ide a to vie w the
me a suring cup a t e ye le ve l to ma ke sure you ha ve
me a sure d e xa ctly 1 a nd 1/3 cups.
Pour the wa te r into the bre a d
pa n.
Ca re fully me a sure 4 te a spoons of butte r or ma rga rine
tha t is a t room te mpe ra ture . Add this to the bre a d pa n.
This ta ke s ca re of a ll of the liquid ingre die nts for the
re cipe . Ne xt come the dry ingre die nts.
Me a sure 4 cups of bre a d flour. Ma ke sure not to
“ove rpa ck” the flour into the cup. To a void ove r pa cking,
a good trick is to fill the me a suring cup to ove rflowing,
the n ta p the side of the cup with a knife or spa tula to
re move a ir pocke ts. Le ve l off the me a suring cup with the
knife or spa tula . Pour the flour into the bre a d pa n.
Me a sure 2 ta ble spoons of suga r. Aga in, ma ke sure to
le ve l off the ta ble spoons for a n e xa ct me a sure me nt.
Add the suga r into the bre a d pa n.
Me a sure 4 te a spoons of dry milk. Le ve l off the
te a spoons of dry milk like a ll of the re st of the dry
ingre die nts. Add the dry milk to the bre a d pa n.
Me a sure 2 te a spoons of sa lt. It is e spe cia lly importa nt to
me a sure the sa lt pre cise ly be ca use too much sa lt, e ve n
a little , ca n a ffe ct the rising of the dough. Add the sa lt
to the bre a d pa n.
Be fore a dding the ye a st, use
your finge r to form a we ll
(hole ) in the flour whe re you
will pour the ye a st. Ye a st must
NEVER come into conta ct with
a liquid whe n you a re a dding
ingre die nts.
Me a sure (a ga in, le ve ling off) 2 te a spoons of ye a st a nd
ca re fully pour it into the we ll you ma de in the flour.
Ca re fully sna p the ba king
pa n into the bre a dma ke r.
Close the lid of the bre a d ma chine a nd plug the powe r
cord into the wa ll outle t.
The following things will ha ppe n. The ma chine will
“be e p,” a nd the lights of the displa y will turn on. The
time se tting will sa y “3:00” hours.
Re pe a te dly pre ss the “Crust Color” button to se le ct the
kind of crust you wa nt. For this re cipe we re comme nd
“Me dium.”
De pe nding on the crust color you se le ct, the a rrow will
be pointing to e ithe r light, me dium or da rk. As you pre ss
crust color, the displa y will te mpora rily re a d:
Me dium: 1P
Da rk: 1H
3 :0 0
Pre ss the “Crust Color” button until “IP” (me dium)
te mpora rily a ppe a rs in the displa y window.
Pre ss the “Sta rt/Stop” button a nd your ma chine will sta rt
ma king bre a d. You will he a r the bre a dma ke r be gin to
mix the ingre die nts.
Importa nt: Do NOT pre ss the “Sta rt/Stop” button while
the bre a dma ke r is ma king bre a d. If you do, the ma chine
will turn off a nd you will ne e d to sta rt ove r a ga in, from
scra tch.
Importa nt: You should not ra ise the lid for this re cipe .
(For othe r re cipe s you try la te r, you will ne e d to ra ise
the lid to a dd nuts, fruits, or othe r ingre die nts.)
Ca ution: The bre a dma ke r is ve ry hot. Do not ha ndle the
ma chine while its ope ra ting. Do NOT lift the lid while the
bre a dma ke r is ba king bre a d.
Bre a d Ma chine Sta ge s
It’s fun to wa tch your bre a d be ing ma de through the vie wing
window. For the ba sic cycle , you ca n e xpe ct the following
things to ha ppe n a s the time r counts down to ze ro.
To be gin: The dough is kne a de d for the first time .
(10 minute s)
At 2:50:
At 2:30:
The dough be gins to rise . (20 minute s)
The dough is kne a de d for the se cond time .
(15 minute s)
At 2:15:
At 1:55:
At 1:55:
At 1:00:
At 0:00:
The dough continue s to rise . (20 minute s)
The dough is “punche d down.” (30 se conds)
The dough rise s for the fina l time . (55 minute s)
The bre a d be gins to ba ke . (60 minute s)
The bre a d is finishe d.
Afte r the bre a d is ba ke d
Ca ution: Do not put your fa ce ne a r the lid whe n you
ope n the bre a dma ke r. Hot ste a m ma y e sca pe tha t
could burn you.
Importa nt: The bre a dma ke r ha s a n a utoma tic “ke e p
wa rm” se tting tha t will ke e p your bre a d wa rm for up to
one hour. We re comme nd howe ve r to re move the bre a d
from the bre a dma ke r right a wa y to pre se rve its
fre shne ss.
Use pot holde rs or ove n mitts to
ca re fully lift the pa n by its ha ndle
from the bre a dma ke r.
Turn the pa n upside down onto a
cooling ra ck a nd ge ntly sha ke it until the bre a d come s
out. If it sticks, ta ke a rubbe r spa tula (me ta l ca n
da ma ge the pa n’s surfa ce ) a nd ca re fully go a round the
side s of the loa f until the bre a d come s out.
If the kne a ding bla de come s out with the bre a d, use a
pla stic ute nsil to re move it from the loa f. Re me mbe r, it
will be hot!
Allow the bre a d to cool for 15 minute s be fore slicing a nd
e njoying it.
Importa nt: If you wish to ma ke a nothe r loa f of bre a d
right a wa y, ple a se a llow the bre a dma ke r to cool down
for 10 to 15 minute s with the cove r ope n a nd the pa n
re move d.
Overview of Breadmaker Features
1 Select
Press this button to select the kind bread you want
to make.
Each time you press the button you
hear a beep,
and a red light wilt appear next to the setting you chose.
The display shows a number for each setting.
for example,
(for more information about each setting,
please see Settings” on page
is 1.
is 2. Sweet is 3. etc.
1 2
2 Crust Color button
The Crust Color button a llows you to choose how light or
da rk to ma ke the crust of the bre a d. Ea ch time you pre ss
the Crust Color button the displa y will cha nge a s follows:
P-Me dium= P
H-Da rk=
In a ddition, the displa y will
show the cycle numbe r
be fore the crust color se tting.
For e xa mple : the Ba sic with a
Me dium crust re a ds, “1P.” Or the
Whole Whe a t bre a d se tting with
a da rk crust re a ds “2H.”
3 Displa y
The Displa y shows the following se ttings:
• The numbe r of the bre a d se tting cycle
• The crust color se tting
• The time re ma ining while your bre a d is kne a ding a nd
ba king
Once you pre ss the “Sta rt/Stop” button the displa y will
show the re ma ining time until your bre a d is ba ke d. Whe n
the displa y re a ds “0:00” the bre a d is ba ke d.
4 Time r Se t buttons
Pre ss the se buttons to de la y the time for your bre a dma ke r
to sta rt. For e xa mple , you ca n time your bre a d to be re a dy
for dinne r, or to ba ke while you a re sle e ping. (To le a rn how
to use this fe a ture , ple a se se e “Cha pte r 5: Using the De la y
Time r” on pa ge 23.)
5 Sta rt/Stop button
Pre ss this button to sta rt a nd stop your bre a dma ke r.
Importa nt: Do not pre ss “Stop” whe n ma king bre a d
be ca use this will ca nce l the e ntire cycle a nd you will
ne e d to sta rt from scra tch.
Bre a dma ke r Se ttings
Your bre a dma ke r ca n ba ke a lmost a ny kind of bre a d. We
provide re cipe s tha t cle a rly show you which se tting you
should use .
1. Ba sic (Time : 3 hours)
2. Whole Whe a t (Time : 3 hours, 40 minute s)
3. Fre nch (Time : 3 hours, 50 minute s)
4. Swe e t (Time : 2 hours, 50 minute s)
5. EXPRESSBAKE™ (Time : 58 minute s)
6. EXPRESSBAKE™ (Time : 1 hour, 20 minute s)
7. Dough (Time : 1 hour, 30 minute s)
8. Ba ke (Time : 1 hour)
1 Ba sic
This se tting is proba bly use d more tha n a ny othe r be ca use
it give s you the be st re sults with just a bout a ny re cipe .
2 Whole Whe a t
The whole whe a t se tting offe rs a longe r rise time for bre a ds
tha t conta in more tha n 50% whole whe a t flour.
3 Fre nch
Use this se tting for ma king Fre nch bre a ds. Fre nch bre a d
ta ke s longe r to kne a d, rise , a nd ba ke , providing a he a rtie r
4 Swe e t
The swe e t se tting is for ba king bre a ds with high a mounts of
suga r, fa ts, a nd prote ins, a ll of which te nd to incre a se
5 EXPRESSBAKE™ (58 minute s)
Use this se tting to for ba king bre a d in unde r one hour.
(ple a se se e pa ge 16).
6 EXPRESSBAKE™ (80 minute s)
Use this se tting to quickly ba ke la rge r loa ve s of bre a d
(ple a se se e pa ge 16).
7 Dough
This se tting le ts you pre pa re dough for rolls, spe cia lty
bre a ds, pizza , e tc. which you sha pe by ha nd, a llow to rise ,
the n ba ke in a conve ntiona l ove n.
8 Ba ke
This se tting is for ma king dough or ja ms.
Making Bread In Under 1
breadmaker can bake great bread in under 1 hour.
This is called the
setting loaves are a little different from loaves baked on
settings. Try all the different settings
to see which of them you prefer.
There are two
One setting can bake
bread in 58 minutes.
The bread is a little
more dense in texture
with this setting.
1 6
The other setting is for
baking loaves in 1 hour
20 minutes. The loaves
baked with this setting
are a little taller and
more airy than the
58 minute breads.
There are a few things
you should know about the
different than the other settings.
settings that are
setting breads tend to have a darker,
thicker crust than other kinds of bread. Sometimes there
wilt be a crack in the top of the crust. This is because
baking is done at higher temperatures. They also tend
to be shorter, denser loaves.
-You CANNOT use the Delay Timer for the
settings. This would coot the liquid ingredients and affect
the way that the bread rises.
-You CANNOT use the “Crust Color” buttons for
setting breads.
DO NOT open the cover white making
setting breads.
If the loaf is hard to remove from the pan,
sit for about
5 minutes to coot. Gently shake the bread out of the pan
and wait for 15 minutes before slicing.
If you wish to bake another Loaf of bread, you must let
the breadmaker coot for 20 minutes with the cover open.
— If you wish to ba ke a nothe r loa f of bre a d, you must le t the
bre a dma ke r cool for 20 minute s with the cove r ope n.
— YOU CAN use sta nda rd brea d mixes for EXPRESSBAKE™
setting brea ds, but the results ma y not be a s good a s the
results when using your Oster® Brea dma ker recipes within
this book.
EXPRESSBAKE™ Se tting Tips a nd Hints
Ye a st
Alwa ys use a fa st rising ye a st like Re d Sta r® Quick•Rise™
ye a st. DO NOT use a ctive dry ye a st for EXPRESSBAKE™
se ttings be ca use the loa ve s will be much shorte r whe n ba ke d.
Alwa ys use hot wa te r in the ra nge of 115°–125° F. You must use
a cooking the rmome te r to ga uge the te mpe ra ture ; hotte r wa te r
ca n kill the ye a st while coole r wa te r ma y not a ctiva te it.
Sa lt
As a rule , you should use LESS sa lt for EXPRESSBAKE™
se tting bre a ds. Le ss sa lt provide s you with a highe r loa f. Ma ke
sure to follow your Oste r® Bre a dma ke r re cipe sugge stions for
be st re sults.
Othe r Ingre die nts
Ma ke sure a ll othe r ingre die nts (like flour, suga r, dry milk,
butte r, e tc.) a re a t room te mpe ra ture .
Alwa ys use bre a d flour for the EXPRESSBAKE™ se ttings.
Things You Ma y Ne e d to Buy
— You should only use “Bre a d
Ma chine ” flour for the
EXPRESSBAKE™ se tting re cipe s.
— You ma y ne e d a cooking
the rmome te r to me a sure the
te mpe ra ture of the wa te r you use
in the se re cipe s. You should only
use hot wa te r (be twe e n 115° a nd
125° F) for EXPRESSBAKE™
se tting re cipe s.
Although ba king EXPRESSBAKE™ se tting bre a ds is a little
diffe re nt, the re sults a nd conve nie nce a re we ll worth it.
The following re cipe is a gre a t one to try for your first
EXPRESSBAKE™ se tting loa f.
1 1/2 lb. Tra ditiona l
White Bre a d
1 cup a nd 2 ta ble spoons (9
ounce s tota l) of hot wa te r
(115°–125° F)
1 te a spoon sa lt
3 cups “Bre a d Ma chine ”
2 ta ble spoons oil (room
te mpe ra ture )
4 /2 te a spoons “Re d Sta r
Quick•Rise ™” ye a st
2 ta ble spoons suga r
Carefully measure 1 cup and
2 tablespoons (9 ounces total)
of hot water. Remember, it’s a
good idea to place the
measuring cup at eye level to
make sure you have measured
exactly 1 cup and 2 table-
spoons (9 ounces total).
Use a cooking thermometer to
make sure the temperature of
the water is between 115°–125° F.
When the water is at the proper
temperature, pour into the
baking pan.
Ca re fully me a sure a nd a dd 2 ta ble spoons oil tha t is a t
room te mpe ra ture .
Ca re fully me a sure a nd a dd the sa lt, suga r, a nd dry milk
to the ba king pa n.
Me a sure a nd a dd e xa ctly 3 cups of bre a d flour to the
ba king pa n. Re me mbe r to le ve l off the bre a d flour for
a n e xa ct me a sure me nt.
Be fore a dding the ye a st,
use your finge r to form a
we ll (hole ) in the flour
whe re you will pour the
ye a st. Ye a st must NEVER
come into conta ct with a
liquid whe n you a re
a dding ingre die nts.
Mea sure (a ga in leveling off) 4 /2 tea spoons of “Red Sta r
Quick•Rise™” yea st a nd ca refully pour into the well you
ma de in the flour.
Ca re fully sna p the ba king pa n into the bre a dma ke r.
Repeatedly press the
Select button until the
red light appears next
to the
setting (58 min).
Press the “Start/Stop” button and your machine will start
making bread.
Caution: Do NOT raise the lid when using the
setting. Doing so can affect the rising
of the dough. The breadmaker is very hot, right from the
beginning of the cycle. Do not handle the machine while
its operating.
Important: Do NOT press the “Start/Stop” button
white the breadmaker is making bread. If you do,
the machine will turn off and you will need to start
over again, from scratch.
After the
Setting Bread Is Baked
Caution: Do not put your face near the lid when
you open the breadmaker. Hot steam may escape
that could burn you.
Important: The breadmaker has an automatic
“keep warm” setting that will keep your bread warm
for up to 1 hour.
we recommend removing
the bread from the machine right away to preserve
its freshness.
Use pot holde rs or ove n mitts to ca re fully lift the pa n by
its ha ndle from the bre a dma ke r.
Turn the pa n upside down onto a cooling ra ck a nd
ge ntly sha ke it until the bre a d come s out. If it sticks,
ta ke a rubbe r spa tula , (me ta l ca n da ma ge the pa n’s
surfa ce ), a nd ca re fully go a round the side s of the loa f
until the bre a d come s out.
If the kne a ding bla de come s out with the bre a d, use a
pla stic ute nsil to re move it from the loa f. Re me mbe r, it
will be hot!
Allow the bre a d to cool on the ra ck for 15 minute s be fore
slicing a nd e njoying it.
If you wish to ma ke a nothe r loa f of bre a d right a wa y, ple a se
a llow the bre a dma ke r to cool down for 10 to 15 minute s with
the cove r ope n a nd the pa n re move d.
Using the De la y Time r
You ca n de la y the time your bre a dma ke r sta rts to ha ve fre sh
bre a d re a dy whe n you ge t up in the morning or whe n you
come from work.
We re comme nd tha t be fore you use the De la y Time r, you try
out a fe w re cipe s. Use re cipe s tha t ha ve produce d good
re sults for you in the pa st.
Importa nt: You ca nnot use the De la y Time r for
EXPRESSBAKE™ se ttings. Be fore using the De la y Time r:
1 Add a ll of the ingre die nts of the re cipe .
2 Se le ct the corre ct se tting for the kind of bre a d you
a re ma king (Fre nch, Swe e t, e tc.).
3 Se le ct the crust color.
Ca ution: Do not use re cipe s with ingre die nts tha t ca n
spoil like e ggs or milk.
To Use the Delay Timer:
flgure out how many hours and minutes there are
between now and when you want final, baked bread.
For example, if it is 8:00 AM and you want bread ready
for dinner at
PM, that is 10 hours.
Use the “Timer Up” button to
advance the time In 10 minute
increments. in our example,
you will do this until the timer
if necessary,
use the “Timer Down” button
to decrease the time.
advance the time quickly.
simply press and hold down
the “Timer Up/Down” buttons.)
important: if you make a mistake or wish
press and hold down the “Start/Stop” button until you
hear a beep. The display will’show the original setting
and cycle time. The Delay Timer is canceled and you
can start again.
When the Delay Timer is set where you want it, make
sure to press the “Start/Stop” button. The colon will
‘flash and your bread will be ready when you planned.
important: When using the Delay Timer during times of
hot weather, you may wish to reduce the liquid in your
recipe by 1 or 2 tablespoons. This is to prevent the
dough from rising too much. You may also reduce the
salt by
of sugar you use by
teaspoons and try cutting the amount
teaspoon at a time.
Tips a nd Hints
Expe rie nce d cooks conside r bre a dma king to be a s much of
a n a rt a s a scie nce . Ke e p in mind tha t some re cipe s ma y
re quire a little e xpe rime nta tion be fore the y a re e xa ctly the
wa y you wa nt the m. Just don’t give up.
Still, the re a re spe cia l hints to e nsuring qua lity bre a d a lmost
e ve ry time .
Use Exa ct Me a sure me nts
We ’ve a lre a dy me ntione d how
importa nt it is to use e xa ct
me a sure me nts whe n ba king bre a d,
but it should be sa id a ga in. Le ve l
off a ll dry ingre die nts a nd ma ke
sure tha t a ll liquid ingre die nts a re me a sure d in a gla ss cup
with the ma rkings cle a rly la be le d on the side .
Use Fre sh Ingre die nts
You should a lwa ys use fre sh ingre die nts. The re a sons a re :
• Flour. If you ha ve store d your flour for a long time , it ma y
ha ve be come we t from a bsorbing moisture , or dry,
de pe nding on the a re a of the country in which you live .
We re comme nd using fre sh bre a d flour.
• Ye a st. Fre sh ye a st is proba bly the most importa nt
ingre die nt in ba king bre a d. If the ye a st is not fre sh, your
bre a d ma y not rise . It is be tte r to buy ne w ye a st tha n to
ta ke a cha nce on ye a st tha t ha s be e n store d for a long
time .
You ca n te st the fre shne ss of your ye a st. Simply fill a cup
with wa rm wa te r, the n a dd a nd stir in 2 te a spoons of suga r.
Sprinkle a fe w te a spoons of ye a st on the surfa ce of the
wa te r a nd wa it. Afte r 15 minute s, the ye a st should foa m a nd
the re should be distinct odor. If ne ithe r re a ction ha ppe ns,
the ye a st is old a nd should be thrown a wa y.
Add Ingre die nts in Orde r
Re a d a ll re cipe s from top to bottom, a nd re me mbe r:
—FIRST, liquid ingre die nts
—SECOND, dry ingre die nts
—LAST, ye a st
Che ck the Doughba ll
This is a se cre t we ll known by pe ople who ma ke bre a d the old
fa shione d wa y. While ha nd kne a ding the mixture , the y a djust
the consiste ncy of the dough by a dding a little flour or a little
wa te r until the doughba ll is just right.
Although the bre a dma ke r kne a ds the dough for you, this
se cre t is still true . He re ’s wha t you should do.
If the doughba ll is too we t
During the se cond kne a ding cycle ,
che ck the consiste ncy of the
doughba ll. If the doughba ll
a ppe a rs sticky or we t, like pa nca ke ba tte r, sprinkle in flour, a
ta ble spoon a t a time , until the doughba ll a ppe a rs smooth,
round, a nd dry a nd circle s nice ly in the pa n.
If the doughba ll is too dry
If the doughba ll a ppea rs fla ky, or
you hea r your brea dma ker begin to
ma ke “knocking” sounds, the dough
ba ll is too dry. To correct this
problem, simply sprinkle in wa ter, a tea spoon a t a time, until
the doughba ll a ppea rs smooth, round a nd dry, a nd circles
nicely in the pa n. Be ca reful not to a dd too much wa ter.
For Ba king a t High Altitude s
If you live a bove 3000 fe e t, you proba bly
a lre a dy know how to a djust othe r re cipe s like
ca ke s a nd muffins. Highe r a ltitude s te nd to:
• ma ke dough rise fa ste r
• ma ke flour drie r
To compe nsa te for high a ltitude ba king, We re comme nd
the following:
If the dough is too dry
• incre a se the a mount of wa te r to the re cipe , some time s a s
much a s 2–4 ta ble spoons pe r cup.
If the bre a d rise s too high
• re duce the a mount of ye a st. For e a ch te a spoon of ye a st,
try re ducing the ye a st by 1/8 to 1/4 te a spoon.
• re duce the a mount of suga r. For e a ch ta ble spoon of suga r,
re duce the a mount by 1 to 2 te a spoons.
Me a sure me ntEquivalency Cha rt
The following cha rt will he lp you conve rt me a sure me nts use d
in the re cipe s.
For e xa mple : 1/2 ta ble spoon = 1 + 1/2 te a spoons
Fluid Ounce (s)
Ta ble spoon(s)
Te a spoon(s)
1 a nd 1/2
Ta king Ca re of Your Bre a d Ma chine
Ca ution: Do not put the bre a dma ke r in wa te r or in a
dishwa she r. Do not use be nze ne , scrubbing brushe s, or
che mica l cle a ne rs a s the se will da ma ge the ma chine .
Use only a mild, non-a bra sive cle a ne r to cle a n the
bre a dma ke r.
Ge ne ra l cle a ning
1 Re move a ll bre a d crumbs by wiping the m a wa y with a
slightly da mp cloth.
2 DO NOT be nd the he a ting
e le me nt which is loca te d on the
inside of the bre a dma ke r.
Cle a ning the ba king pa n a nd kne a ding bla de
1 Wipe the ba king pa n a nd kne a ding bla de with a da mp
cloth a nd dry comple te ly.
2 DO NOT wa sh the pa n or pa rts in the dishwa she r. This will
da ma ge the finish of the pa n a nd the othe r pa rts.
Ca ring for your bre a dma ke r
1 Ke e p your bre a dma ke r cle a n a t a ll time s.
Ca ution: Do not use me ta l ute nsils with the
bre a dma ke r. This will da ma ge the non-stick pa n a nd
othe r pa rts.
2 Don’t worry if the color of the bre a d pa n cha nge s ove r
time . The color cha nge is a re sult of ste a m a nd othe r
moisture a nd doe s not a ffe ct the ma chine ’s pe rforma nce .
3 If you ha ve trouble re moving the kne a ding bla de , pla ce
wa rm wa te r in the bre a d pa n for 10–15 minute s a nd this will
loose n the bla de .
Storing your bre a dma ke r
1 Ma ke sure the ma chine is cle a n a nd dry be fore storing.
2 Store the bre a dma ke r with the lid close d.
3 Do not pla ce he a vy obje cts on the lid.
4 Re move the kne a ding bla de a nd pla ce inside the bre a d
pa n.
Trouble shooting
If you e xpe rie nce difficultie s whe n ope ra ting the bre a dma ke r,
re vie w the trouble shooting informa tion in this se ction to find a
solution. If you a re una ble to find a solution, ple a se ca ll our
Consume r Re la tions De pa rtme nt a t 1(800)526-2832.
If you ha ve a powe r outa ge
If the powe r goe s out while you a re using your bre a dma ke r,
the displa y will go bla nk.
• If the bre a dma ke r is kne a ding the bre a d, you ca n re sta rt
the ma chine a nd continue .
• If the ma chine is ba king bre a d, e ithe r finish ba king the
bre a d in a n ove n or sta rt from scra tch with a ne w loa f.
Whe n the powe r come s ba ck on, you should do the following:
1 Hold down the “Start/Stop” button for at least 3 seconds. If
the display does not return to the time setting before the
outage, unplug the breadmaker and then plug it back in.
2 If the ma chine still doe s not sta rt, hold down the
“Sta rt/Stop” button a se cond time for 3 se conds.
Continue to unplug a nd re plug the ma chine a nd hold
down the “Sta rt/Stop” button until the displa y re turns to
the cycle time be fore the powe r outa ge .
Unde rsta nding Displa y Informa tion
Your Oster® Brea dma ker is designed to give you informa tion on
tempera ture problems tha t ma y occur. The following cha rt shows
you how to correct problems tha t ma y occur from time to time.
Displa y Proble m
Wha t to Do
The displa y doe s not light up.
Plug in the brea dma ker.
0:00 (“:” fla she s)
There is no problem. This just
mea ns the ba king cycle is over
a nd the brea dma ker is keeping
your brea d wa rm. Press the
“Sta rt/Stop” button to turn off the
“keep wa rm” fea ture.
This just mea ns tha t the
H:HH (ma chine be e ps)
brea dma ker must cool before you
ba ke a nother loa f. Press the
“Sta rt/Stop” button. Open the top
of the brea dma ker, remove the
brea d pa n a nd let the
brea dma ker cool a bout 15 minutes
before ba king a nother loa f.
This mea ns tha t the room
tempera ture is too low (59° F or
less). Press the “Sta rt/Stop”
button. Pla ce the brea dma ker in
a wa rm room a nd a llow it to wa rm
L:LL (ma chine be e ps)
This mea ns tha t the room
E:EE (ma chine be e ps)
tempera ture is too high to ba ke
brea d (86° F or more). Press the
“Sta rt/Stop” button to remove the
displa y. Pla ce the brea dma ker in
a cool loca tion before using it.
Trouble shooting Bre a dma ke r Proble ms
If the bre a dma ke r doe s not function a s you think it should,
re vie w the cha rt be low for some possible solutions.
Bre a dma ke r Proble m
You se e smoke or sme ll a
burning odor from the ba ck of
the ma chine .
Ingredients ha ve spilled out of the
brea d pa n a nd into the ma chine
itself. Stop the brea dma ker a nd
a llow it to cool off. Clea n the
brea dma ker before using it a ga in.
Plea se see “Ta king Ca re of Your
Brea d Ma chine” on pa ge 30.
The dough doe s not mix.
Ma ke sure the ba king pa n a nd
knea ding bla de a re properly
insta lled in the ma chine.
Trouble shooting Ba king Proble ms
If your bre a d doe s not turn out the wa y you e xpe cte d or ha s
some cha ra cte ristic you don’t ca re for, re vie w the cha rt be low
for some possible solutions.
Ba king Proble m
The side s of the bre a d colla pse The re a re se ve ra l possible
a nd the bottom of the bre a d is
da mp.
solutions. The bre a d ma y ha ve
be e n le ft in the bre a d pa n too
long a fte r ba king. Re move the
bre a d from the pa n soone r a nd
a llow it to cool. Try using more
flour (a te a spoon a t a time ), or
le ss ye a st (1/4 te a spoon a t a
time ), or le ss wa te r or liquid (a
te a spoon a t a time ). This could
a lso be the re sult of forge tting to
a dd sa lt to the re cipe .
Ba king Proble m, continue d Solution
The bre a d ha s a he a vy, thick
te xture .
Try using le ss flour (a te a spoon
a t a time ), or more ye a st (1/4
te a spoon a t a time ). This could
a lso be the re sult of using old
flour or the wrong type of flour
for the re cipe .
The bre a d is not ba ke d
comple te ly in the ce nte r.
Try using more flour (a te a spoon
more a t a time ), or le ss wa te r or
liquid (a te a spoon le ss a t a time ).
Do not lift the lid too ofte n during
ba king.
The bre a d ha s a coa rse or
hole y te xture .
This is usua lly the re sult of
forge tting to a dd sa lt to the
re cipe .
Try using le ss ye a st (1/4 te a spoon
le ss a t a time ). This could a lso be
the re sult of forge tting to a dd
sa lt to the re cipe or forge tting to
put the kne a ding bla de into the
ba king pa n.
The bre a d rose too much.
The bre a d did not rise e nough.
The re a re se ve ra l possible
solutions. Try using le ss flour (a
te a spoon le ss a t a time ), more
ye a st (1/4 te a spoon more a t a
time ), or le ss wa te r (a te a spoon
le ss a t a time ). This could a lso be
the re sult of:
forge tting to a dd sa lt to the
re cipe ,
using old flour or the wrong
kind of flour for the re cipe ,
using old ye a st,
or not using hot wa te r (e xce pt
cycle s).
Ba king Proble m, continue d Solution
The bre a d ha s a floure d top.
This is usua lly a re sult of using
too much flour or not e nough
wa te r. Try using le ss flour (a
te a spoon le ss a t a time ), or try
using more ye a st (1/4 te a spoon
le ss a t a time ).
The bre a d is too brown.
This is usua lly the re sult of
a dding too much suga r to the
re cipe . Try using le ss suga r (1
Tbsp. a t a time ). You ca n a lso try
se le cting a lighte r crust color
se le ction.
The bre a d is not brown e nough. This is usua lly the re sult of
re pe a te dly lifting the lid of the
bre a d ma chine or le a ving the lid
ope n while the bre a d is ba king.
Be sure the lid is shut while the
bre a dma ke r is in ope ra tion.
Rec ipes
Ba sic Se tting Re c ipe s
Basic Mac hine Stages
for the basic cycle you can expect the foliowing things
to happen as the timer counts down to zero.
At 3:00 The dough is kneaded for the first time.
The dough begins to rise. (20 minutes)
The dough is kneaded for the second time.
The dough continues to rise.
The dough is “punched down:’
The dough rises for the final time.
At 1:00 The bread begins to bake. (60 minutes)
At The bread is finished.
Traditional White Bread
1.5 pound loaf
pound Loaf
1 and c ups wa te r
ta blespoons butter or ma rga rine
1 and tea spoons
4 c ups brea d flour
cup water
ta blespoons butter or ma rga rine
1 a nd 112 tea spoons sa lt
3 c ups brea d flour
2 ta blespoons dry
ta blespoons dry milk
ta blespoons suga r
ta blespoon suga r
2 tea spoons a c tive dry yea st
2 and
te a spoons a c tive dry ye a st
Mea sure a nd a dd liquid ingredients to the brea d pa n.
Mea sure a nd a dd dry ingredients (exc ept yea st) to the brea d pa n.
Use your finger to form a well (hole) in the flour where you will pour the
yea st. Yea st must NEVER c ome into c onta c t with a liquid when you a re
a dding ingredients. Mea sure the yea st a nd c a refully pour it into the well.
4) Sna p the ba king pa n into the brea dmoker a nd c lose the lid.
Press “Selec t” button to c hoose the
Press the “C rust C olor” button to c hoose Light. medium or da rk c rust.
Press the ‘“Sta rt/Stop” button.
Country White Bread (no Delay Timer)
1 c up wa rm
1 and
ta blespoons butter or ma rga rine
1 la rge egg
1 and
tea spoons sa lt
4 c ups brea d flour
1 a nd 112 ta blespoons suga r
2 tea spoons a c tive dry yea st
1) Mea sure a nd a dd liquid ingredients to the brea d pa n.
Mea sure a nd a dd dry ingredients (exc ept yea st) to the brea d pa n.
Use your finger to form a well (hole) in the flour where you
pour the
yea st. Yea st must NEVER c ome into c onta c t with a liquid when you a re
a dding ingredients. Mea sure the yea st a nd c a refully pour it into the well.
4) Sna p the ba king pa n into the brea dma ker a nd c lose the lid.
button to c hoose the
Press the “C rust C olor” button to c hoose light. medium or da rk
Press the “Sta rt/Stop” button.
I Pota to Brea d
ta blespoons butter or ma rga rine
1 and tea spoons sa lt
4 c ups brea d flour
c ups wa te r
ta blespoons suga r
c up insta nt pota to fla kes
ta blespoons dry milk
1 and
te a spoons a c tive dry ye a st
1) Mea sure a nd a dd liquid ingredients to the brea d pa n.
Mea sure a nd a dd dry ingredients (exc ept yea st) to the brea d pa n.
Use your finger to form a welt (hole) in the flour where you wilt pour the
yea st. Yea st must NEVER c ome into c onta c t with a liquid when you a re
a dding ingredients. Mea sure the yea st a nd c a refully pour it into the welt
4) Sna p the ba king pa n into the brea dma ker a nd c lose the lid.
Press “Selec t” button to c hoose the Ba sic setting.
Press the “C rust C olor” button to c hoose tight, medium or da rk c rust.
Press the ‘“Sta rt/Stop” button.
Oatmeal Bread
1 and
c ups wa te r
ta blespoons honey
ta blespoons butter or ma rga rine
c up quic k-c ook oa ts
1 and
3 and
tea spoons sa lt
c ups brea d flour
ta blespoons oa t bra n
ta blespoons dry milk
2 tea spoons a c tive dry yea st
Mea sure a nd a dd liquid ingredients to the brea d pa n.
Mea sure a nd a dd dry ingredients (exc ept yea st) to the brea d pa n.
Use your finger to form a welt (hole) in the flour where you will pour the
yea st. Yea st must NEVER c ome into c onta c t with a Liquid when you a re
a dding ingredients. Mea sure the yea st a nd c a refully pour it into the welt.
Sna p the ba king pa n into the brea dma ker a nd c lose the lid.
Press “Selec t” button to c hoose the Ba sic setting.
Press the “C rust C olor” button to c hoose light. medium or da rk c rust.
Press the “Sta rt/Stop” button.
Raisin Bread (no Delay Timer)
1.5 pound loaf
2 pound loaf
c ups water
tablespoons butter or margarine
and teaspoons salt
4 cups bread pour
c ups water
1 and
tablespoons butter or margarine
1 teaspoon salt
3 cups bread flour
tablespoons sugar
toblespoons sugar
1 and
tablespoons dry milk
tablespoons dry milk
teaspoon cinnamon
1 and
2 and
teaspoons cinnamon
teaspoons ac tive dry yeast
teaspoons ac tive dry yeast
cups raisins (see note below)
cup raisins (see note below)
Measure and add liquid ingredients to the bread pan.
Measure and add dry ingredients (except yeast) to the bread pan.
Use your finger to form a welt (hole) in the flour where you
pour the
yeost. Yeast must NEVER come into contact with a Liquid when you are
adding ingredients. Measure the yeast and carefully pour it into the welt.
Snap the baking pan into the breadmaker and close the lid.
Press “Selec t” button to c hoose the Basic setting.
6) Press the “Crust
button to choose tight. medium or dark crust.
Press the “Start/Stop” button.
When adding fruit ingredients like raisins. the bread machine
beeping signal during the kneading cycle.
ma ke
When the bread machine beeps during the kneading cycle. raise the
sprinkle the raisins in, a few at a time, until they are kneaded with the dough.
Light Rye Bread
1 and
c ups water
1 and
tablespoons butter or margarine
1 and
teaspoons salt
3 cups bread
1 cup rye flour
tablespoons packed brown sugar
teaspoons ac tive dry yeast
Measure and add liquid ingredients to the bread pan.
Measure and add dry ingredients (except yeast) to the bread pan.
3) Use your finger to form a well (hole) In the flour where you will pour the
yeast. Yeast must NEVER come into contact wlth a liquid when you are
adding ingredients. Measure the yeast and carefully pour it into the well.
4) Snap the baking pan into the breadmaker and close the
5) Press ‘Select” button to choose the Basic setting.
6) Press the “Crust Color” button to choose Light. medium or dark crust.
Press the ‘Start/Stop” button.
Sourdough Bread
All ingredients at room temperature
1 and
cups sourdough starter (see ‘Sourdough Starter,” below)
cup warm water
1 and
teaspoons salt
4 cups bread flour
3 tablespoons sugar
teaspoons active dry yeast
1) Measure and add liquid ingredients (including sourdough starter)
to the bread pan.
Measure and add dry ingredients (except yeast) to the bread pan.
Use your finger to form a well (hole) in the flour where you wilt pour the
yeast. Yeast must NEVER come into contact with a liquid when you are
adding ingredients. Measure the yeast and carefully pour It into the well.
4) Snap the baking pan into the breadmaker and close the lid.
5) Press ‘Select” button to choose the Basic settlng.
6) Press the “Crust Color” button to choose
Press the ‘Start/Stop” button.
medium or dark crust.
2 and
teaspoons active dry yeast
cups warm water
2 cups all-purpose flour
1) In a 2 or 3 quart glass bowl, using a wooden or nylon spoon, mix yeast
and warm water. Let stand 10 minutes.
2) Add flour: mix until thick batter forms. Batter need not be smooth.
3) Cover loosely with cheesecloth, lightweight kitchen towel or plastic wrap.
Let stand in warm place for 24 hours.
4) Stir: cover loosely Place starter In a warm place for 2 to 3 days
or until it
and smells sour: stir once a day.
5) Cover loosely with
wrap or plastic cover: refrigerate.
To Replenish Starter
After using
and warm water. for example, if
removed to make bread, replenish remaining starter with l-114 cups
warm water and cups flour. Stir well to blend. cover and let stand
portion of starter, replenish with equal amounts of flour
cups (10 oz.) of starter were
in warm place until bubbly. 3 to 5 hours. Store starter in loosely
covered glass container in refrigerator. If not used at the end of
one week remove 1 cup starter and discard: then replenish with
equal amounts of flour and warm water as instructed above.
for Successful Sourdough Baking
Always make starter in a glass container. Never store in metal
containers or use metal utensils. The starter will react with
the metal.
All ingredients, including starter, should be at room temperature
Cold ingredients will slow down the activity of the yeast.
When removing starter. always replenish it. Let stand at room
temperature for 3 to 5 hours, until bubbles start to form.
Cover and refrigerate.
starter separates (liquid forms on the surface),
stir until blended before using.
If the liquid that forms on the surface of starter turns pink in color
at any time, discard the starter and start over again with
important: Sourdough bread made in an automatic breadmaker
requires the addition of yeast. The starter’s strength and the rising
times in the breadmaker are not sufficient to allow for proper rising
without the use of additional yeast.
frenc h Setting Rec ipes
french Bre a d Ma c hine Se ttings
for the frenc h brea d c yc le you c a n expec t the following
things to ha ppen a s the timer c ounts
to zero.
The dough is knea ded for the first time.
The dough begins to rise. (40 minutes)
The dough is knea ded for the sec ond time.
The dough c ontinues to rise.
sec onds)
The dough is “punc hed down.”
The dough rises for the fina l time. (65 minutes)
The brea d begins to ba ke.
The brea d is finished.
Frenc h
French Countryside
1 and
1 and
I and
c ups water
tablespoons vegetable or olive oil
teaspoons salt
4 cups bread flour
tablespoon sugar
2 teaspoons ac tive dry yeast
1) Measure and add liquid ingredients to the bread pan.
2) Measure and add dry ingredients (except yeast) to the bread pan.
3) Use your finger to form a well (hole) in the flour where you will pour the
yeast. Yeast must NEVER come into contact with a liquid when you are
adding ingredients. Measure the yeast and carefully pour it into the well.
4) Snap the baking pan into the breadmaker and close the lid.
5) Press “Select” button to choose the French setting.
6) Press the “Crust Color” button to choose tight. medium or dark crust.
7) Press the “Start/Stop” button,
1 and
c ups water
1 and
tablespoons vegetable or olive oil
teaspoon salt
3 and
cups bread flour
teaspoons sugar
tablespoon dried parsley
c up grated c heese
teaspoons dried onion flakes
teaspoon dried basil
112 teaspoon garlic powder
teaspoons ac tive dry yeost
1) Measure and add liquid ingredients to the bread pan.
2) Measure and add dry ingredients (except yeast) to the bread pan.
Use your finger to form a
yeast. Yeast must NEVER come into contact with a liquid when you are
adding ingredients. Measure the yeast and carefully pour it into the well.
(hole) in the flour where you will pour the
4) Snap the baking pan into the breadmaker and the lid.
Press “Selec t” button to c hoose the setting.
6) Press the “Crust Color” button to choose light. medium or dark crust.
7) Press the “Start/Stop” button.
Sweet Setting Recipes
Sweet Bread Mac hine Stages
for the sweet bread cycle you can expect the following things
to happen as the timer counts down to zero:
The dough is kneaded for the first time. (10 minutes)
The dough begins to rise. (5 minutes)
The dough is kneaded for the second time.
The dough continues to rise. (30 minutes)
The dough is “punched down:’
The dough rises for the final time.
The bread begins to bake.
The bread is finished.
Springtime favorite Bread (no Delay Timer)
1 cup water
cup butter or margarine
1 large egg
1 and
teaspoons vanilla extrac t
1 and 114 teaspoons almond extract
teaspoon salt
3 and
cups bread flour
cup sugar
tablespoons dry milk
teaspoons ac tive dry yeast
cup raisins
1 and
teaspoons of shredded orange peel
Measure and add liquid ingredients to the bread pan.
Measure and add dry ingredients (except yeast) to the bread pan.
3) Use your finger to form a well (hole) in the flour where you will pour the
yeast. Yeast must NEVER come into contact with a liquid when you are
adding ingredients. Measure the yeast and carefully pour it into the well.
4) Snap the baking pan into the breadmaker and close the lid.
Press ‘Selec t” button to c hoose the Sweet setting.
6) Press the Crust Color” button to choose light, medium or dark crust.
Press the ‘Start/Stop” button.
Cottage Cheese and Chive Bread (no Delay Timer)
c ups water
c up of c ottage c heese
tablespoons butter or margarine
1 and 112 teaspoons salt
3 and cups bread flour
tablespoons dried chives
2 and 112 tablespoons sugar
2 and teaspoons ac tive dry yeast
Measure and add liquid ingredients to the bread pan.
Measure and add dry ingredients (except yeast) to the bread pan.
Use your finger to form a well (hole) in the flour where you wilt pour the
yeast. Yeast must NEVER come into contact with a liquid when you are
adding ingredients. Measure the yeast and carefully pour it into the welt.
Snap the baking pan into the breadmaker and close the lid.
Press “Selec t” button to c hoose the Sweet setting.
Press the “Crust Color” button to choose light. medium or dark crust.
Press the ‘Start/Stop” button.
4 6
Special Winter Bread (no Delay Timer)
c ups water
tablespoons butter or margarine
1 large egg
cup molasses
cup corn meat
2 and cups bread flour
213 cup whole wheat flour
2 and teaspoons ac tive dry yeast
Measure and add liquid ingredients to the bread pan.
Measure and add dry ingredients (except yeast) to the bread pan.
Use your finger to form a (hole) in the flour where you will pour the
yeast. Yeast must NEVER come into contact with a liquid when you are
adding ingredients. Measure the yeast and carefully pour it into the well.
4) Snap the baking pan into the breadmaker and close the lid.
Press ‘Selec t” button to c hoose the Sweet setting.
Press the “Crust Color” button to choose light. medium or dark crust.
7) Press the “Start/Stop” button.
Apple Walnut Bread
cup unsweetened apple sauce
cups apple juice
tablespoons butter or margarine
1 large egg
1 teaspoon salt
4 cups bread flour
cup packed brown sugar
1 and
teaspoons cinnamon
teaspoon baking soda
teaspoons ac tive dry yeast
cup chopped walnuts
Measure and add liquid ingredients to the bread pan.
Measure and add dry ingredients (except yeast) to the bread pan.
3) Use your finger to form a well (hole) in the flour where you will pour the
yeast. Yeast must NEVER come into contact with a liquid when you are
adding ingredients. Measure the yeast and
pour it into the
4) Snap the baking pan into the breadmaker and close the lid.
5) Press ‘Selec t” button to c hoose the Sweet setting.
6) Press the “Crust Color” button to choose light. medium or dark crust.
7) Press the ‘Start/Stop” button.
Setting Recipes (58 Minutes)
Bread Machine Stages (58 minutes)
for the 58 minute
cycle you can expect the
following things to happen as the timer counts down to zero:
The dough is kneaded for the first time. (1 minute)
‘The dough is kneaded for the second time. (12 minutes)
The dough rises. (10 minutes)
The bread begins to bake. (35 minutes)
The bread is finished.
Important: You CANNOT use the Delay Timer
setting breads.
You CANNOT change the crust color.
58 min.
White Bread
1.5 pound Loaf
2 pound loaf
1 cup and two tablespoons hot water
1 and
c ups hot water
tablespoons oil
tablespoons oil
tablespoons sugar
teaspoons salt
4 cups bread flour
tablespoons Red Star@
Quick Yeast
tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 and
3 cups bread flour
teaspoons Red Star@
Important: Carefully measure the hot water and make sure it is between
by using a cooking thermometer.
Measure and add liquid ingredients to the bread pan.
Measure and add dry ingredients (except yeast) to the bread pan.
your finger to form a
yeast. Yeast must
(hole) in the flour where you will pour the
come into contact with a liquid when you are
adding ingredients. Measure the yeast and carefully pour it into the welt.
Snap the baking pan into the breadmaker and close the lid.
Press “Selec t” button to c hoose the
Press the “Start/Stop’ button.
setting (58 Minutes).
1.5 pound loaf
2 pound loaf
1 cup and 2 tablespoons hot water
1 and
c ups hot water
teaspoons oil
tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon oil
tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 and cups bread flour
cup rye flour
1 and
3 and
teaspoons salt
cups bread flour
cup rye flour
tablespoons grated Parmesan
c heese
tablespoon grated Parmesan
c heese
1 and
c heese
cups shredded Cheddar
1 Cup shredded Cheddar cheese
5 teaspoons Red Star@ Quic k
tablespoons Red Star@ Quic k
58 min.
Important: Carefully measure the hot water and make sure
it is between by using a cooking thermometer.
1) Mea sure a nd a dd Liquid ingredients to the brea d pa n.
2) Mea sure a nd a dd dry ingredients (exc ept yea st) to the brea d pa n.
3) use your finger to form a well (hole) in the flour where you
pour the
ye a st. Ye a st must NEVER c ome into c onta c t with a liquid when you a re
a dding ingredients. Mea sure the yea st a nd c a refully pour it into the well.
4) Sna p the ba king pa n into the brea dma ker a nd c lose the lid.
5) Press “Selec t” button to c hoose the
Press the “Sta rt/Stop” button.
(58 Minutes) setting.
Onion Soup Bread
1.5 pound loaf
2 pound loa f
1 and c ups plus 1 ta blespoon
c up a nd 2
h o t w a t e r
h o t w a t e r
ta blespoons oil
ta blespoons oil
ta blespoons suga r
2 tablespoons sugar
3 c ups brea d flour
4 c ups brea d flour
ta blespoons dry onion soup mix
ta blespoons dry onion soup mix
4 a nd 112 tea spoons Red Sta r@
Quic k Yea st
2 ta blespoons Red
Yea st
Quic k
Important: Carefully measure the hot water and make sure
it is between by using a cooking thermometer.
Mea sure a nd a dd Liquid ingredients to the brea d pa n.
Mea sure a nd a dd dry ingredients (exc ept yea st) to the brea d pa n.
Use your finger to form a well (hole) in the flour where you will pour the
yea st. Yea st must NEVER c ome into c onta c t with a Liquid when you a re
a dding ingredients. Mea sure the yea st a nd c a refully pour it into the well.
4) Sna p the ba king pa n into the brea dma ker a nd c lose the lid.
Press “Selec t” button to c hoose the
Press the “Sta rt/Stop” button.
(58 Minutes) setting.
80 min.
Setting Recipes (80 Minutes)
Machine Stages (80 minutes)
for the 80 minute
cycle you can expect the
following things to happen as the timer counts down to zero:
The dough is kneaded for the first time. (2 minutes)
The dough is kneaded for the second time. (18 minutes)
At 1:00 The dough rises. (12 minutes)
The bread begins to bake. (48 minutes)
The bread is finished.
Potato Onion Bread
c ups hot water
tablespoons oil
2 large eggs
112 cup
chopped onions
c up baked. mashed potatoes
tablespoons sugar
1 and
4 cups bread flour
tablespoons Red Star@ Quic k
teaspoons seasoned salt
Important: Carefully measure the hot water and make sure
it is between by using cooking thermometer.
Measure and add liquid ingredients to the bread pan.
Measure and add dry ingredients (except yeast) to the bread pan.
Use your finger to form a well (hole) in the flour where you will pour the
yeast. Yeast must NEVER come into contact with a
when you are
adding ingredients, Measure the yeast and carefully pour it into the well.
Snap the baking pan into the breadmaker and close the lid.
Press “Selec t” button to c hoose the
Press the “Start/Stop” button.
Minutes) setting.
80 min.
Rye Bread
1 and
cup oil
tabtespoons packed brown sugar
c ups hot beer
1 teaspoon salt
3 cups bread flour
1 cup rye flour
teaspoons ground fennel
teaspoon fresh orange zest (finely ground orange peel)
2 tablespoons Red Quick Yeost
tablespoons c araway seeds
Important: Carefully measure the hot water and make sure
it is between by using a cooking thermometer.
1) Measure and add liquid ingredients to the bread pan.
Measure and add dry ingredients (except yeast) to the bread pan.
Use your finger to form a
yeast. Yeast must NEVER come into contact with a liquid when you are
adding ingredients. Measure the yeast and carefully pour it into the well.
(hole) in the flour where you
pour the
4) Snap the pan into the breadmaker and close the lid.
Press “Selec t” button to c hoose the
Press the “Start/Stop” button.
(80 Minutes) setting.
5 3
80 min.
Oatmeal Date Bread
1 and
c ups hot water
tablespoons oil
cup packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon salt
3 cups bread flour
1 and
cup finely chopped dates
tablespoons Red Star@ Quic k
cups instant oatmeal
Important: Carefully measure the hot water and make sure
it is between by using a cooking thermometer.
1) Measure and add liquid ingredients to the bread pan.
Measure and add dry ingredients (except yeast) to the bread pan.
Use your finger to form a well (hole) in the flour where you wilt pour the
yeast. Yeast must
come into contact with a Liquid when you are
adding ingredients. Measure the yeast and carefully pour it into the well.
4) Snap the baking pan into the
Press “Selec t” button to c hoose the
6) Press the “Start/Stop” button.
and close the lid.
(80 Minutes) setting.
5 4
Whole Wheat Setting Rec ipes
Whole Wheat Bread Machine Stages
For the whole wheat bread c yc le you c an expec t the following
things to happen as the timer counts down to zero:
The dough is kneaded for the first time.
The dough begins to rise. (25 minutes)
The dough is kneaded for the second time. (20 minutes)
The dough continues to rise. (30 minutes)
The dough is “punc hed down.” (30 sec onds)
The dough rises for the final time.
The bread begins to bake. (65 minutes)
The bread is finished.
Whole Wheat
100% Whole Wheat Bread
c ups water
cup packed brown sugar
teaspoons salt
4 and 213 cups whole wheat flour
3 teaspoons ac tive dry yeast
Measure and add liquid ingredients to the bread pan.
Measure and add dry ingredients (except yeast) to the bread pan.
Use your finger to form a well (hole) in the flour where you
pour the
yeast. Yeast must NEVER come into contact with a liquid when you are
adding ingredients. Measure the yeast and carefully pour it into the welt.
Snap the baking pan into the breadmaker and close the lid.
Press “Selec t” button to c hoose the Whole Wheat setting.
Press the “Crust Color” button to choose light, medium or dark crust.
Press the “Start/Stop” button.
Grain Bread
1.5 pound loaf
2 pound loaf
1 cup water
c ups water
butter or margarine
2 and
tablespoons butter or margarine
1 and
tablespoons honey
tablespoons honey
teaspoon salt
teaspoons salt
2 and
c ups bread
2 and
1 and
cups bread flour
cup whole wheat flour
cup quick cook oats
cups whole wheat flour
cup quick cook oats
teaspoons ac tive dry yeast
2 and
teaspoons ac tive dry yeast
Measure and add tiquid ingredients to the bread pan.
Measure and add dry ingredients (except yeast) to the bread pan.
Use your finger to form a welt (hole) in the flour where you will pour the
yeast. Yeast must
come into contact with a liquid when you are
odding ingredients. Measure the yeast and corefully pour it into the well.
Snap the baking pan into the breadmaker and close the lid.
Press ‘Selec t” button to c hoose the Whole Wheat setting.
the “Crust Color” button to choose light. medium or dark crust.
Press the “Start/Stop” button.
Whole Wheat
Wheat Bread
cups water
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
4 tablespoons honey
1 teaspoon salt
3 and
cups bread flour
cup wheat flake cereal
2 tablespoons wheat bran cereal
2 teaspoons dry yeast
1) Measure and add liquid ingredients to the bread pan.
Measure and add dry ingredients (except yeast) to the bread pan.
3) Use your finger to form a well
In the flour where you will pour the
yeast. Yeast must NEVER come into contact with a liquid when you are
adding ingredients. Measure the yeast and carefully pour It into the welt.
4) Snap the baking pan into the breadmaker and close the
5) Press “Select” button to choose the Whole Wheat settlng.
6) Press the “Crust Color” button to choose Ught. medium or dark crust.
Press the ‘Start/Stop” button.
Summer Wheat Bread
cups water
1 and
tablespoons vegetable oil
2 tablespoons molasses
and 112 teaspoons salt
2 cups bread flour
2 cups whole wheat flour
2 teaspoons active dry yeast
1) Measure and add liquid Ingredients to the bread pan.
Measure and add dry ingredients (except yeast) to the bread pan.
3) Use your finger to form a we
in the flour where you will pour the
yeast. Yeast must come Into contact with a liquid when you are
adding Ingredients. Measure the yeast and carefully pour It into the well.
4) Snap the baking pan into the breadmaker and close the
5) Press “Select” button to choose the Whole Wheat setting.
6) Press the “Crust Color” button to choose light, medium or dark crust.
Press the ‘Start/Stop” button.
Whole Wheat
Buttermilk Bread
1 and
c ups wa te r
1 a nd 112 ta blespoon butter or ma rga rine
1 teospoon white vinega r
2 ta blespoons pa c ked brown suga r
2 c ups brea d flour
1 c up whole whea t flour
1 c up rye flour
2 ta btespoons powdered buttermilk
1 ta btespoon vita l gluten
1 and
tea spoons c a ra wa y seeds
2 tea spoons a c tive dry yea st
Mea sure a nd a dd liquid ingredients to the brea d pa n.
Mea sure a nd a dd dry ingredients (exc ept yea st) to the brea d pa n.
Use your finger to form a (hole) in the flour where you pour the
yea st. Yea st must NEVER c ome into c onta c t with a Liquid when you a re
a dding ingredients. Mea sure the yea st a nd c a refully pour it into the welt.
Sna p the ba king pa n into the brea dma ker a nd
the Lid.
Press button to c hoose the Whole Whea t setting.
6) Press the “C rust C olor” button to c hoose light. medium or da rk c rust.
Press the “Sta rt/Stop” button.
Light Rye Bread
1 and
c ups wa te r
ta blespoon vegeta ble oil
2 ta blespoons pa c ked brown suga r
1 and tea spoons sa lt
3 c ups brea d flour
1 c up rye
2 tea spoons a c tive dry yea st
Mea sure a nd a dd liquid ingredients to the brea d pa n
Mea sure a nd a dd dry ingredients (exc ept yea st) to the brea d pa n.
Use your finger to form a well (hole) in the flour where you will pour the
yea st. Yeost must NEVER c ome into c onta c t with a liquid when you a re
a dding ingredients. Mea sure the yea st a nd c a refully pour it into the
Sna p the ba king pa n into the brea dma ker a nd c lose the Lid.
Press “Selec t” button to c hoose the Whole Whea t setting
Press the “C rust C olor” button to c hoose light. medium or da rk
Press the “Sta rt/Stop” button.
Dough Se tting Re cipe s
Dough Ma chine Sta ge s
For the dough cycle you ca n e xpe ct the following things to
ha ppe n a s the time r counts down to ze ro:
At 1:30: The dough is kne a de d for the first time . (20 minute s)
At 1:10: The dough continue s to rise . (20 minute s)
At 0:50: The dough is “punche d down.” (30 se conds)
At 0:50: The dough rise s for the fina l time . (50 minute s)
At 0:00: The dough is finishe d.
Dough Instructions
1 Put ingre die nts in bre a d pa n a nd put the bre a d pa n into the
bre a dma ke r.
2 Pre ss the Se le ct button to re a ch the dough se tting.
3 Pre ss “Sta rt/Stop.” The displa y will be gin counting down the
time on the Dough/Pa sta se tting. Whe n dough is re a dy, the
unit will signa l a nd the displa y will re a d, “0:00.”
4 Pre ss “Sta rt/Stop,” holding it down until you a he a r a be e p
a nd the displa y cle a rs.
5 To re move the bre a d pa n, gra sp the ha ndle firmly a nd lift
the pa n out.
Note : The pa n doe s not ge t hot whe n using the dough se tting.
Pre pa ring Dough for Ba king
1 Lightly sprinkle a ll-purpose flour onto a pa stry ma t or
boa rd. Using a rubbe r spa tula or woode n spoon, re move
dough from the bre a d pa n a nd pla ce on lightly floure d
surfa ce . Kne a d by ha nd 2 or 3 time s to re le a se the a ir. If
the dough is e a sy to ha ndle without flour, sha pe on a
lightly oile d, cle a n counte rtop.
2 Sha pe dough into your fa vorite rolls, coffe e ca ke , e tc.
(sugge stions follow). Pla ce on gre a se d ba king pa n. Cove r
dough with a cle a n cloth a nd le t rise until a lmost double d
in size (a bout 1 hour).
3 Ba ke a s dire cte d in the re cipe . Re move from pa n a nd cool
on a wire ra ck or se rve wa rm.
Va ria tions for Sha ping Dough
Ea sy Dinne r Rolls
Divide dough into 12 e qua l pie ce s,
sha pe into ba lls a nd pla ce in gre a se d muffin
cups. Cove r, le t rise a nd ba ke a s dire cte d.
Ma ke s 12
Lightly gre a se ba king she e t. Divide
dough into 10 e qua l pie ce s. On a
lightly floure d surfa ce , using your
ha nd, roll e a ch pie ce into a pe ncil-
like stra nd a bout 10 inche s long.
Be ginning a t one e nd of the stra nd,
continue wra pping e a ch pie ce a round the ce nte r to form a
swirl. Pla ce rolls 2 to 3 inche s a pa rt on pre pa re d ba king
she e t. Cove r, le t rise a nd ba ke a s
dire cte d. Ma ke s 10
Butte rhorns
Lightly gre a se ba king she e t a nd
se t a side . On a lightly floure d
surfa ce , roll dough into a 12-inch
circle . Brush dough with me lte d butte r. Cut into 12 we dge s. To
sha pe rolls, be gin a t wide e nd of we dge a nd roll towa rds the
point. Pla ce rolls point side down, 2 to 3 inche s a pa rt, on
pre pa re d ba king she e t. Cove r, le t rise a nd ba ke a s dire cte d.
Ma ke s 12
To Re duce Rising Time of Dough
Pre he a t conve ntiona l ove n to 200˚F for 5 minute s, the n turn off
ove n. Sha pe dough, pla ce on ba king pa n a s dire cte d a nd
cove r with a cle a n kitche n towe l. Pla ce dough in ove n until
double d in size . This will re duce rising time by a bout one ha lf.
Re cipe s using whole gra in or unre fine d flours conta in le ss
glute n a nd ma y not rise a s much a s those using white bre a d
flour. As a re sult, the se he a vie r bre a ds ma y fa ll slightly in the
ce nte r. This is norma l a nd will not a ffe ct the ta ste of the
bre a d. Whe a t glute n ca n a lso be a dde d to improve the sha pe
a nd volume of bre a d ma de with low glute n flours.
Ke e ping Your Bre a d Fre sh
The re a re no pre se rva tive s in your home ma de bre a d, so store
coole d loa f in a lightly se a le d pla stic ba g. If de sire d, e nclose
a sta lk of ce le ry in the ba g to ke e p bre a d fre sh longe r. Do not
store in the re frige ra tor a s this ca use s bre a d to dry out fa ste r.
Bre a d Pre tze l
All ingre die nts a t room te mpe ra ture (70˚ F–80˚ F)
2 cups bre a d flour
1-1/2 tsp. a ctive dry ye a st
1/4 tsp. sa lt
1/2 tsp. suga r
7/8 cup wa te r
1 to 2 Tbsp. coa rse (Koshe r) sa lt
1 e gg, slightly be a te n
1) Me a sure a ll ingre die nts into bre a d pa n, e xce pt e gg a nd coa rse sa lt.
2) Pre ss “Sta rt/Stop” to cle a r displa y.
3) Se le ct Dough se tting.
4) Pre ss “Sta rt/Stop.”
5) Whe n unit signa ls a nd displa y re a ds, “0:00,” pre ss “Sta rt/Stop” a nd re move
6) Pre he a t ove n to 450˚F.
7) Divide dough into 12 pie ce s. Roll e a ch into 8-inch rope . Form into pre tze l
sha pe or le a ve in stick sha pe . Pla ce on a gre a se d cookie she e t, brush
e a ch with be a te n e gg. Sprinkle with coa rse sa lt.
8) Ba ke in pre he a te d ove n for 12 to 15 minute s.
Butte r Rolls (no De la y Time r)
All ingre die nts a t room te mpe ra ture (70˚ F–80˚ F), e xce pt milk
2 Tbsp. suga r
1 tsp. sa lt
2-3/4 cups bre a d flour
2 tsp. a ctive dry ye a st
1/4 cup wa te r
1 e gg
3/4 to 7/8 cup milk
1/4 cup butte r
1) Me a sure a ll ingre die nts into bre a d pa n.
2) Se le ct Dough se tting.
3) Pre ss “Sta rt/Stop.”
4) Whe n unit signa ls a nd displa y re a ds, “0:00,” pre ss “Sta rt/Stop” a nd re move
5) Sha pe a s de sire d (se e “Va ria tions for Sha ping Dough,” pg. 61).
6) Ba ke a t 350˚ F for 25 to 30 minute s. Ma ke s 12 rolls.
Coffe e Ca ke (no De la y Time r)
All ingre die nts a t room te mpe ra ture (70˚ F–80˚ F), e xce pt milk
1/4 cup suga r
1 tsp. sa lt
2-1/4 cups bre a d flour
2 tsp. a ctive dry ye a st
1 e gg yolk
3/4 to 7/8 cup milk
1 Tbsp. butte r or ma rga rine
1) Me a sure a ll ingre die nts into bre a d pa n.
2) Se le ct Dough se tting.
3) Pre ss “Sta rt/Stop.”
4) Whe n unit signa ls a nd displa y re a ds, “0:00,” pre ss “Sta rt/Stop” a nd re move
5) Pa t dough into gre a se d 9-inch round, or 5 x 7-inch oblong ca ke pa n.
6) Add topping. Ma ke s 1 coffe e ca ke . (Se e “Topping” re cipe , be low.)
2 Tbsp. butte r, me lte d
1 tsp. ground cinna mon
1/2 cup suga r
1/2 cup choppe d pe ca ns
Powde re d Suga r Gla ze , optiona l (se e re cipe be low)
1) Drizzle butte r ove r dough.
2) In a sma ll bowl, mix suga r, cinna mon a nd nuts; sprinkle onto butte r.
3) Cove r; le t rise in wa rm pla ce a bout 30 minute s.
4) Ba ke in pre he a te d ove n (375˚ F) 20 to 25 minute s, until golde n brown.
5) Cool 10 minute s in pa n on ra ck.
6) Drizzle with powde re d suga r gla ze if de sire d. Ma ke s e nough to cove r one
coffe e ca ke .
Powde re d Suga r Gla ze
(for Coffe e Ca ke s a nd Swe e t Rolls)
1 cup sifte d powde re d suga r
1 or 2 Tbsp. wa te r or milk
1 tsp. butte r or ma rga rine , softe ne d
1/2 tsp. va nilla
1) In a sma ll bowl, combine a ll ingre die nts a nd ble nd until smooth.
2) Spre a d or drizzle gla ze on slightly wa rm coffe e ca ke or swe e t rolls. Ma ke s
e nough to cove r 1 coffe e ca ke .
Pizza Crust
1.5 pound
2 pound
All ingre die nts a t room te mpe ra ture
(70˚–80˚ F)
All ingre die nts a t room te mpe ra ture
(70˚–80˚ F)
1/2 tsp. sa lt
3/4 tsp. sa lt
3 cups a ll-purpose flour
1-1/2 tsp. a ctive dry ye a st
7/8–1 cup wa te r
4 cups a ll-purpose flour
2 tsp. a ctive dry ye a st
1-1/4–1-3/8 cups wa te r
3 Tbsp. olive oil or ve ge ta ble oil
2 Tbsp. olive oil or ve ge ta ble oil
1) Combine a ll ingre die nts into bre a d pa n.
2) Se le ct Dough se tting.
3) Pre ss “Sta rt/Stop.” Whe n unit signa ls a nd displa y re a ds, “0:00,” pre ss
“Sta rt/Stop” a nd re move dough.
4) Pa t dough into 12 x 15-inch je lly roll pa n or gre a se d 12-inch round (1-1/2
pound re cipe ) or 14-inch round pizza pa n (2 pound re cipe ).
5) Pre he a t ove n to 400˚F.
6) Spre a d pizza sa uce ove r dough. Sprinkle toppings ove r sa uce .
7) Ba ke 15 to 20 minute s or until crust is golde n brown.
Pizza Toppings (optiona l)
1 cup (8 oz) pre pa re d pizza sa uce
1/2 lb. bulk pork sa usa ge , browne d a nd dra ine d
1/3 cup choppe d onions
1 pkg. (3–4 oz) slice d pe ppe roni
1 ca n (4 oz) mushroom ste ms a nd pie ce s, dra ine d
1 cup choppe d gre e n pe ppe rs
Pa sta Re cipe s
Ba sic Pa sta (no De la y Time r)
All ingre die nts should be a t room te mpe ra ture (70˚–80˚ F)
2 cups a ll-purpose flour
1 cup se molina flour
1 tsp. sa lt
1 Tbsp. olive oil or ve ge ta ble oil
7/8 cup wa te r
1) Me a sure a ll ingre die nts into bre a d pa n.
2) Se le ct Dough se tting.
3) Pre ss “Sta rt/Stop” a nd a llow to mix 8 to 10 minute s. The n pre ss “Sta rt/Stop”
to ca nce l.
4) Re move dough a nd roll out on lightly floure d surfa ce . Roll to 1/8-inch
thickne ss. Dust with flour if dough is sticky.
5) Cut into 1/8-inch strips for na rrow noodle s or 1/4-inch for me dium noodle s.
6) Cook noodle s in a la rge pot of boiling, sa lte d wa te r for 10 to 15 minute s.
Dra in in cola nde r.
Ba ke Se tting Re cipe s (Ja ms a nd Ma rma la de s)
Stra wbe rry Ja m (no De la y Time r)
1 cup suga r
1 Tbsp. powde re d low-suga r fruit pe ctin
1-1/2 cups fre sh stra wbe rrie s, slice d
2 tsp. le mon juice
1) Combine a ll ingre die nts into bre a d pa n.
2) Se le ct Ba sic se tting.
3) Pre ss “Sta rt/Stop.” Allow to mix 5–6 minute s, scra ping side s of the pa n with
rubbe r spa tula . Pre ss “Sta rt/Stop” to ca nce l.
4) Se le ct Ba ke se tting.
5) Pre ss “Sta rt/Stop.” Whe n unit signa ls a nd displa y re a ds, “0:00,” pre ss
“Sta rt/Stop.” Using hot pa ds, re move bre a d pa n. Pour ja m into conta ine rs;
cove r. Re frige ra te to se t. Ma ke s a bout 3 cups.
Ba ke
Ora nge Ma rma la de (no De la y Time r)
1-1/4 cups suga r
2 Tbsp. powde re d low-suga r fruit pe ctin
3 la rge ora nge s
1 le mon
1) With a ve ge ta ble pe e le r, sha ve off the bright la ye r of pe e l from one ora nge
a nd the le mon; chop fine ly.
2) Re move a nd disca rd re ma ining white pe e l from ora nge a nd le mon.
3) Pe e l re ma ining ora nge s, a nd disca rd pe e ls. Slice fruit into 1/2-inch pie ce s.
4) Combine choppe d pe e ls, fruit, suga r a nd pe ctin in bre a d pa n.
5) Se le ct Ba sic se tting.
6) Pre ss “Sta rt/Stop.” Allow to mix for 5–6 minute s, scra ping side s of pa n with
rubbe r spa tula . Pre ss “Sta rt/Stop” to ca nce l.
7) Se le ct Ba ke se tting. Pre ss “Sta rt/Stop.” Whe n unit signa ls a nd displa y
re a ds “0:00,” pre ss “Sta rt/Stop.” Using hot pa ds, re move bre a d pa n. Pour
ja m into conta ine rs; cove r. Re frige ra te to se t. Ma ke s a bout 3 cups.
Froze n Be rry Ja m (no De la y Time r)
1-3/4 cups suga r
1 pa cka ge (10 to 12 oz) froze n be rrie s (stra wbe rrie s a nd ra spbe rrie s a re ide a l)
1 pouch (3 oz) liquid fruit pe ctin
1 Tbsp. le mon juice
1) Combine ingre die nts into bre a d pa n.
2) Se le ct Ba sic se tting. Pre ss “Sta rt/Stop.” Allow to mix 5–6 minute s, scra ping
side s of pa n with rubbe r spa tula . Pre ss “Sta rt/Stop” to ca nce l.
3) Se le ct Ba ke se tting. Pre ss “Sta rt/Stop.” Whe n unit signa ls a nd displa y
re a ds, “0:00,” pre ss “Sta rt/Stop.” Using hot pa ds, re move bre a d pa n. Pour
ja m into conta ine rs; cove r. Re frige ra te to se t. Ma ke s a bout 3 cups.
Gla ze s
Afte r rolls rise , just be fore ba king, ge ntly a pply de sire d gla ze with a
pa stry brush. Ba ke a s dire cte d in the re cipe .
For a shiny golde n crust, use Egg Gla ze or Egg Yolk Gla ze .
For a shiny che wy crust, use Egg White Gla ze (crust will be lighte r
in color).
Egg Gla ze
Mix 1 slightly be a te n e gg with 1 Tbsp. wa te r or milk.
Egg Yolk Gla ze
Mix 1 slightly be a te n e gg yolk with 1 Tbsp. wa te r or milk.
Egg White Gla ze
Mix 1 slightly be a te n e gg white with 1 Tbsp. wa te r.
Note : To ke e p unuse d e gg yolk fre sh for se ve ra l da ys, cove r with cold wa te r
a nd store in re frige ra tor in a cove re d conta ine r.
Ga rlic Butte r
1/4 cup ma rga rine or butte r, softe ne d
1/8 tsp. ga rlic powde r
He rb-Che e se Butte r
1/4 cup ma rga rine or butte r, softe ne d
1 Tbsp. gra te d Pa rme sa n che e se
1 tsp. choppe d fre sh pa rsle y
1/4 tsp. drie d ore ga no le a ve s
Da sh of ga rlic sa lt
Ita lia n He rb Butte r
1/4 cup ma rga rine or butte r, softe ne d
1/2 tsp. Ita lia n se a soning
Da sh of sa lt
Choco-Ba na na Spre a d
1/3 cup ma she d ripe ba na na
1/2 cup se mi-swe e t chocola te chips, me lte d
Gla ze s
Ha m a nd Swiss Spre a d
1 pa cka ge (3 oz) cre a m che e se , softe ne d
2 Tbsp. fine ly choppe d, fully cooke d, smoke d ha m
1 Tbsp. shre dde d Swiss che e se
1/2 tsp. pre pa re d musta rd
He rb-Cre a m Che e se Spre a d
1 conta ine r (4 oz) whippe d cre a m che e se
1 tsp. choppe d fre sh or 1/2 tsp. drie d dill we e d
1 sma ll clove ga rlic, fine ly choppe d
Hone y-Wa lnut Spre a d
1 pa cka ge (3 oz) cre a m che e se , softe ne d
1 Tbsp. choppe d wa lnuts
2 tsp. hone y
Ripe Olive Spre a d
Cove r a nd mix in food proce ssor or ble nde r until slightly coa rse :
1-1/2 cups pitte d, ripe olive s
3 Tbsp. olive oil
3 Tbsp. ca pe rs, dra ine d
3 fla t a nchovy fille ts, dra ine d
1 tsp. Ita lia n se a soning
2 clove s ga rlic
Browne d Butte r Gla ze
2 Tbsp. ma rga rine or butte r
2/3 cup powde re d suga r
1/2 tsp. va nilla
3 to 4 tsp. milk
He a t ma rga rine in a 1-qua rt sa uce pa n ove r me dium he a t until light brown;
cool. Stir in powde re d suga r a nd va nilla . Stir in milk until smooth a nd thin
e nough to drizzle .
Cinna mon Gla ze
Mix until thin e nough to drizzle :
1/2 cup powde re d suga r
1/4 tsp. ground cinna mon
1-1/2 to 2 tsp. wa te r
Citrus Gla ze
Mix until thin e nough to drizzle :
1/2 cup powde re d suga r
1 tsp. gra te d le mon or ora nge pe e l
1-1/2 to 2 tsp. le mon or ora nge juice
Cre a my Va nilla Gla ze
Mix until thin e nough to drizzle :
1/2 cup powde re d suga r
1/4 tsp. va nilla
1-1/2 to 2 tsp. milk
. . . . . . . . . . . .
(display message)
(display message) . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3
(58 minutes)
breadmaker flour, using for . . . . . . .
desc ription . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
recipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49
salt. using In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
altitude, effect on baking . . . . . . . . . .
Bake setting
tips and hints
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
description . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .
recipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 6
yeast. fast rising
. . . . . . . . . .
baking pan
baking problems, troubleshooting
Basic setting
2. 9.11.17. 20, 22.
breadmaker flour, using for . . . . . . .
desc ription
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
recipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2
salt. using in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
tips and hints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
recipes.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
breadmaker problems. troubleshooting .
using . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
yeast, fast rising for . . . . . . . . . .
Crust Color . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Se le c t.........................12
start/stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.14
Timer Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Frenc h setting
.. 43
desc ription . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
baklng pan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
glazes. recipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C rust C olor button . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.13. 17
(display message) . . . . . . . . . . .
heating element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
hints and tips. breadmaking . . . . . . . .
Delay Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
desc ription . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 5
. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..3
ingredients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..3
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
fresh, using . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
desc ription . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ordertoadd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
wet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
yeast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
doughball. consistency of . . . . . . . . .
storing your
Sweet settlng
. . . . . . . . . . . . IO, 14. 24
. . . . . . . . . .
Keep Warm setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.21
kneading . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . ,
. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , ,
(display message! . . . . . . . . . . .
Timer Set buttons. . . . . . . . . . . , . ,
tlps and
. . . . . . .
measurement c onversions . . . . . . , .
measurlng tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
power toss . . .
5. 25
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. , . , , . . , .
. . .
power outage. restarting after
. . . . . 32
after a power outage . . , . .
warranty . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Back Cover
Whole Wheat settlng
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-5
. . . Inside front Cover
Salt.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Select button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ba ke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 5
adding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
freshness. testlng for . . . . . . . . . . .
Dough/Pasta . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .
min.) setting , . . 15
min.) . .
Frenc h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4
Sweet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I4
Whole Wheat . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .
Recipe Index
Honey Wheat
Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Country White
Light Rye
....... 3 9
favorite Potato Bread
Summer Wheat Bread ......
Light Rye
Dough/Pasta Setting ........ 5 9
Pretzel . . . . . . . . . . . .
Starter ........
White Bread ..... 3 8
Coffee Cake .............
Powdered Sugar Gtaze
French Setting . . . . . . . . . . .
Topping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pizza Crust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
French Countryside
Italian tlerb
Sweet Setting . . . . . . . . . . . .
Apple Walnut Bread .......
Cottage Cheese
Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jam ..........
Orange Marmalade ........
Strawberry Jam ...........
and Chive
Special Winter
Springtime favorite
(58 Minutes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gtaze ......
Choco-Banana Spread .....
Glaze ..........
Onion Soup
Creamy Vanilla Gtaze ......
Egg White Glaze ..........
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(80 Minutes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Egg Yolk
Oatmeal Date
Potato Onion
Ham and Swiss Spread .....
........ 5 2
Cheese Spread
Spread ......
Whole Wheat Setting . . . . . . . 5 5
Italian tlerb
100% Whole Wheat
tloney Grain
Spread .........
7 2
Sunbeam Products, Inc. warrants to the original purchaser, subject to the limitations and exclusions
set forth below, that this product shall be free, in all material respects, of mechanical and electrical
defects in material and workmanship from the date of purchase for one year. This warranty does not
cover normal wear of parts or damage resulting from any of the following: negligent use or misuse of
the product, use on improper voltage or current, use contrary to operating instructions or
disassembly, repair or alteration by any person other than an authorized service center.
Our obligation hereunder is limited to repair or replacement with a new or refurbished unit of the
same or a similar model of as good or better quality, at manufacturer’s option, of the product during
the warranty period, provided that the product, along with the model number and original dated proof
of purchase, is sent postage prepaid, directly to the following address:
For products purchased in the United States:
Attention: Service Department
117 Central Industrial Row
Purvis, MS 39475
For products purchased in Canada:
c/o Service Tek
Please call 1-800-667-8623 or email us at
Do not return this product to the place of purchase or to the manufacturer; doing so may delay the
processing of your warranty claim.
Answers to questions regarding this warranty or for your nearest authorized service location may be
obtained by calling toll-free 1-800-597-5978 or by writing to Sunbeam – Consumer Affairs, at P.O.
Box 948389, Maitland, FL 32794-8389. Answers to questions regarding this warranty or for your
nearest Canadian authorized service location may be obtained by calling toll-free in Canada
1-800-667-8623. For warranty information or for an authorized service location outside of the United
States and Canada, please see the warranty service card inserted in the product packaging.
Product repair or replacement as provided under this warranty is your exclusive remedy. SUNBEAM
OR ANY PART THEREOF. Some states and provinces do not allow the exclusion or limitation of
incidental or consequential damages, or allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so
the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal
rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary from State to State or Province to Province.
Bre a dma ke r
P.N. 102819
©1999 Sunbe a m Corpora tion or its
a ffilia te d compa nie s.
All rights re se rve d.
Oste r® is a re giste re d tra de ma rk
of Sunbe a m Corpora tion
or its a ffilia te d compa nie s.
Distribute d by Sunbe a m Products, Inc.
Boca Ra ton, FL 33431
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